Bull City Bees Beekeeping adventures in downtown Durham

April 26, 2012

Last minute assembly

Filed under: Uncategorized — cec @ 2:38 pm

Last night we realized that we had less than three days before the bees arrived.  Maybe it would be a good time to finish putting the equipment together.  Jill painted the hives, I assembled the first 10 frames (only 10 more to go!), Puff supervised from the living room window and Jake was off somewhere looking morose (I didn’t actually witness this, but it’s a good bet – no one does morose like Jake).  Now all that should be left before the bees get here on Saturday is to buy some chicken wire and fence posts so that the lawn guy doesn’t freak out.

April 23, 2012

T minus 5 days and counting…

Filed under: Uncategorized — cec @ 8:24 pm

With less than a week to go before the bees arrive on Saturday, we thought that we would take an inventory of the equipment that we have and what we’re missing.  Hive boxes?  Check.  Frame?  Check.  Bottom board?  Yup.  Veils?  Definitely.  Smoker?  Aw crap.

Time for a lunch trip down to Hillsborough to pick up a smoker…

Okay – now we’re set 🙂

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